It seems to me life feels either like a warzone or a wonderland. Somehow, the middle ground goes unnoticed. And really, I remember more of the times when I feel like I move from one battle to the next. Wonderland memories sink to the bottom of my consciousness. Because of that, I search for safety most days.
Vernon liked to bully little kids. All these years later, I understand his intention as more poking-fun-at rather than terrorizing. I try anyway. Little me avoided him at all costs. He married my grandmother’s niece. Fortunately, they lived out of town. Thank the good Lord, we encountered him in small doses on an irregular basis. I keep my memories of him stored under the generally creepy but harmless category.
A podcast I heard this week discussed the topic of unity with Christ. You may be wondering what on earth the topic has to do with a bully from my childhood. Did I simply transition from lack of inspiration to altogether reaching? Maybe, but I don’t think so.
A particular memory involving Vernon hovers near the top of my memory pile. Our extended family and all associated friends gathered to celebrate my grandparents’ fiftieth wedding anniversary. Of course, Vernon came. I stood in the kitchen with a random selection of relatives. All of a sudden, my cousin’s 4ish-year-old little boy came running into the kitchen. He launched himself into his grandfather’s arms. Zero surprise registered on anyone’s face that Vernon immediately followed.
I don’t remember what Vernon’s ploy happened to be with Codie. But, I vividly remember the sudden bravado that came over Codie once he knew his grandfather held him secure. His grandfather leaned close and whispered in his ear what to say to the bully. I still smile remembering that sweet boy, red in the face from the torment and flight to get to his grandfather, delivering the incomplete line, “I’ll crank up Big Red and over you!!”. Big Red referred to his grandfather’s sports car. The in-the-moment plan included running over the bully – one empty threat to answer another.
I so identify with Codie’s primal instinct to run to safety. He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that his “Greddy” would protect him. For him, safety existed in the person of his grandfather, easy-peasy.
Unfortunately, the notion of safety can get complicated. As we assume more responsibility for ourselves and relationships change, safety might become an area of life where questions creep in that did not exist before. Our trust in people takes a hit based on how we process history and circumstances. That can leave us feeling uncomfortably unprotected.
On the podcast (Knowing Faith: Season 10 Episode 178), they listed unity with Christ as a benefit of salvation. Most of the time, their conversations zoom over my head. But, the crumbs that fall often grab hold of my simple level of understanding. A crumb that held from that particular conversation concerns a person being “in Christ”.
One host contrasted our simple knowledge of salvation, Christ in me, with the larger scriptural perspective of us united in Christ. Since I don’t have a brain that grasps all of the “ologies” Seminary students study, I won’t try to recount all she said. However, the strongly presented idea of me safely wrapped up in Christ definitely resonates with me.
My tendencies lean heavily toward self-sufficiency. The podcast episode points out the difference between thinking of salvation as something added to me and considering salvation as me becoming part of a powerful whole. The powerful whole provides a more complete protection. The scenario doesn’t depend at all on my limited abilities or understanding.
When I consider all aspects of my life, salvation tops the list of things I appreciate the most. I love that though I feel like I fight my way through lots of days, my position in Christ assures my ultimate protection. The arms of Christ provide the safest refuge from the Vernons of life.
Then you will go on your way in safety,
and your foot will not stumble.
When you lie down, you will not be afraid;
when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.
Have no fear of sudden disaster
or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked,
for the Lord will be at your side
and will keep your foot from being snared.
Proverbs3:23-26 (NIV)
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