Prepare for the Journey

My last post explored off-roading with the Lord. My adventure continues. Something readily apparent from the outset of my journey involves how ill-prepared I felt. I live near the Appalachian Trail. Years ago, I read a funny book about a hiker’s attempt to hike the trail. For sure, I would get eaten by a bear DAY ONE, y’all. One must not journey without the proper equipment and general know-how.  So, I decided to better prepare for the journey.

My journey, however, does not lead me through the woods. My entire adventure will take place internally, in that treacherous place between my heart and my head. Are you familiar with that place inside yourself? It’s that stuck-in-the-middle place where constant battles rage between needs, wants, truth, and lies. Sometimes, I would rather be eaten by a bear than try to make sense of the chaos. Alas, I brave the journey because what waits on the other side will be worth the hike.

You may be asking what one takes for an internal journey. Excellent question. The answer depends on your world view I suppose. Faith, specifically faith in God, lands on the top of my packing list. But, how do I quantify and catalog such a vague item? What aisle do I find that on? Those questions had me feeling ill-prepared. I felt like I was standing in the Christian-ese aisle of my brain scanning product labels, studying ingredients, and looking for just the right item to pack.  

If you have been a Christian for a while, you can likely identify with my struggle. Somewhere in the process, I got lost… not lost, lost as in without Jesus my Savior, but buried in rules, terms, and churchy-type living. Those things distract from the simplicity intended and delineated in scripture.

This week in my devotions a piece of Psalm 89 caught my imagination. Here are the verses:

Happy are the people who know the joyful shout;
Lord, they walk in the light from your face.
16 They rejoice in your name all day long,
and they are exalted by your righteousness.
17 For you are their magnificent strength; Psalm 89:15-17a (CSB)

Mid-morning each day at work, especially in the summertime, I realize that I am frozen. The coat hook behind my door stores several jackets and a small blanket. They are an easy remedy to fight the indoor chill of central air conditioning. My office, though, has a great perk that also helps. Sunshine pours in through a giant window facing east. After I grab a jacket, I stand in the warm sunlight to thaw out a bit.

During my thaw one day, thoughts of walking in the light from His face sparked an understanding of how and why to carry faith in God on my journey. Not all light sources have tangible heat, but sunshine certainly does. Stay with me for a hot second here while I get really cheesy and propose that SONlight does too. I’m sorry. It had to be done.

As I stood thawing, I imagined the light warming me was coming from the face of Jesus, who loves me so. I felt seen and understood. I don’t need any of the products from the Christian-ese aisle. The most useful thing and really the only thing to remember to pack is Jesus. The light from His face will lead me, warm me, and strengthen me on the journey.

What about you? Are you facing an inner journey toward healing? As you prepare, consider packing Jesus first.

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