pink sofa chair near body of water

A Starting Point For Recovery

I woke up somehow fully aware that I was upside down. It was cold and I was confused. Several minutes passed before I could find a square inch of truth I could use to figure out where I was and how to right myself. Sounds pretty harrowing, right? I assure you it was. It is

silhouette of three performers on stage

We Are Enough

What if we approached each day believing that we are enough? How would our days go if, instead of waking up thinking about all that we aren’t, we woke up planning to win the day just as we are? I saw someone this week that I haven’t seen in probably 5 or so years. She

What Does Your Collection Look Like?

What blend of events, circumstances, joys, and sorrows has made you the person that stares back at you in the mirror today? That is the question on my mind. What would the collection look like if it were represented by tangible items? Yesterday I decided to tackle the basement clutter. Since our nest is empty,

silhouette of road signage during golden hour

How To Think About Change

In 1959, Pete Seeger adapted Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8 into a song and called it “Turn, Turn, Turn”. The chorus echoes in my mind anytime I think about change. To Everything (Turn, Turn, Turn)There is a season (Turn, Turn, Turn)And a time for every purpose, under Heaven Have you ever thought about how you feel the


A Reminder to Stop and Think

When it comes to the art of living, we often have the power to save ourselves from ourselves. This is true no matter the size of the opportunity. We just have to be willing to stop and think. Opportunities come in many forms. Does she stay at her current job or chase an opportunity for