boy in green jacket and red shirt running on road during daytime

A Well-Timed Sword Fight

11 years ago we moved to our current house. We picked it mostly because it was located in our preferred school district. It was one of 14 houses in a stand-alone community with a cul-de-sac at the top of the street. It was also almost twice the size of the house we moved from when

white and black box on black textile

Whole Memories

Every Thanksgiving I always ask the question when we are done eating – “Why do I only make this food once a year?”  That particular menu ends up being reserved for the fourth Thursday of every November. Until this year I have left well enough alone.   Most everyone I have asked has a family version

For Everything There is a Season

I was sitting at a light this week and in one of the lanes of cross-traffic I saw a really sporty, red trike motorcycle. In the passenger seat sat the largest teddy bear I have ever seen. It made my day. I grabbed my phone and took a picture. It turned out too grainy to

Searching for Contentment

I took my own advice. I was at the beach last week. For the first couple of days, my daughter and I played in the surf a lot. We stood about waist deep and repeatedly dared the waves to knock us over. We would shout in victory when we could not be moved and laugh

clear toy marble with reflection of seashore

Finding Fresh Perspective

Some days start a shade off-center, don’t they? Then the whole day follows suit. Do you ever get caught in a mental maze of your own making? Do you know the feeling of having too much noise in your head or too many voices that have an opinion? Where can we get fresh perspective? What