Have you noticed just how nuanced we like our communication to be? Accent, tone, volume, movement, energy level, etc. can simultaneously catch the attention of some and tune out others. All of us differ in communication preferences. What we hear depends on more than just the words that are spoken. I am in mid-preparation for
Communicate Love
I am the world’s worst at celebrating the people I love. I am not sure if my issue stems from plain laziness or something else. When did someone tell you how much you mean to them? How long has it been? When did you tell someone how much they mean to you? Has it been
Immediate Feedback
As free as we are to make choices and go about our days, it helps to have some solid input from outside ourselves. Sometimes we need immediate feedback. Just before I woke up, I showed Hubby Guy the circling, snarling, teeth-baring primates. I knew they intended to rip me limb from limb. I woke up
Intentional Connections
The people I am close to form the safety net for when I inevitably fall. We all fall eventually, some of us again and again. This week I am reminded of how intentional connections protect us when we have fallen or are burdened. A nearby farm recently acquired a flock of sheep. Several times per
Talking Ourselves Out of Things
Do you find yourself making more excuses than plans with regard to your calling? I do. If you asked me why I might fail, I could easily fill a page. If you asked why I might succeed, I will struggle for an answer. Can you relate? We spend far more energy talking ourselves out of