woman walking on gray asphalt road in between trees and rock formations

Don’t Stay In Your Lane

     If I have heard it once, I have heard it a million times…. Stay in your lane. Can you relate? Regardless of how we feel about the expression, it is used liberally for everything from the most literal translation with driving to anything generic that another person wants us to butt out of. As

woman holding book

Dream Building

The practice of “dream building” was meant to be encouraging to them to keep working hard in their business. We were touring “what could be”. I think inadvertently they got the same message I did.  They ultimately quit the business, divorced, and never had any of those things we spent so much time shopping for.

Fostering is For Everyone

Meet Bryce. He weighs in at 1 lb 4oz. He is cute as a button and built from solid sass. He is also lucky number 139 of the cats and kittens that have found themselves bunking in our foster room during the last 6 years.      We got into fostering cats completely by accident. It

Forsaking the Familiar

I don’t know exactly when it happened. Sometime, though, during late childhood, I contracted what Hubby Guy would call a terrible disease. I rearrange rooms. I move furniture from room to room and re-imagine where everything goes. I make it better again and again and again… and again. Also, the disease can be very contagious.

Something to Nothing

There was a day recently that was gorgeous. I gathered my laptop, my glasses, and all necessary things and planted myself in my favorite chair on the back porch. My goal was to write my weekly blog post. Immediately, I became distracted. I decided to check my work email and it turned into a project